Reporting and Sharing Concerns

When reporting and sharing concerns, please provide as much information as possible. The Department of Risk Assessment’s ability to respond to a situation regarding Concerning Behaviors or Youth Program Incidents can be limited due to an insufficient amount of information being provided.

Reporting Violence and Other Concerning Behaviors

According to the NC State Campus/Workplace Violence Prevention & Management Regulation, it is the responsibility of all employees and students at NC State to be alert to the possibility of violence on the part of prospective, current or former employees or students as well as campus visitors.

Visit our Office of Violence Prevention and Threat Assessment web pages for more background information on this regulation, what to report/share concerns on and how to do so.  Get started HERE!

Reporting Abuse, Neglect and Other Incidents involving minors

According to North Carolina law, any person or institution who has cause to suspect that any juvenile is abused, neglected or dependent, or has died as a result of maltreatment, as defined by G.S. 7B-101, shall report the case to the director of Department of Social Services in the county where the juvenile resides or is found, as outlined in G.S. 7B-301

Report to local law enforcement if the child is a victim of a violent offense, sexual offense or misdemeanor child abuse under G.S. 14-318.2.

Visit our Youth Programs & Compliance web pages for detailed steps on reporting known or suspected child abuse and neglect as well as information on reporting incidents involving minors in youth programs. Learn more HERE!