Behavior Assessment Team

North Carolina State University’s Behavior Assessment Team (BAT) is committed to improving the NC State community’s safety through a proactive, multidisciplinary, coordinated and objective approach to the prevention, identification, assessment, intervention and management of situations that pose, or may reasonably pose a threat to the safety and well-being of our campus community (i.e. students, faculty, staff and visitors). The team analyzes potentially threatening situations, develops, implements, and/or advises administrators (as needed) to recommended courses of action. NC State’s BAT members have knowledge of current literature by known experts in threat assessment, regular training, and consistent implementation

Team members are individuals from the following NC State Departments and Offices:


Department of Risk Assessment

The Risk Assessment Case Manager (RACM) is the designated team chair. The RACM is the director of the University’s Risk Assessment Department. The RACM guides case discussion and ensures communication with the Associate Vice Chancellor of Environmental Health and Public Safety who provides oversight of the BAT. The RACM records case information, organizes team meetings and trainings. The RACM assists in managing cases, ensures creation of and updates relevant university policy, rules and procedures, and offers training opportunities to both BAT members and university groups.

Environmental Health & Public Safety

The Associate Vice Chancellor for Environmental Health and Public Safety is designated as the Coordinator for the overall implementation of NC State’s campus/workplace violence prevention and management program.  The Coordinator has the delegated authority to create and/or oversee any system or process that identifies and mobilizes appropriate consultative resources (i.e. Behavior Assessment Team, RACM, etc.) to implement the program.

Violence Prevention and Threat Management

The VPTM Case Managers (VPTM) provide direct case management services in cases where it involves an employee, services to a student that is a possible victim of violence by a non-affiliated individual or a non-affiliated individual case without connection to a specific employee or student. The VPTM case managers will further report back to the team on interactions with individuals including; but not limited to, interviews, assessments, and ongoing case monitoring and post hospitalization interviews.

University Police

The role of University Police to the BAT is to (1) provide advice and assistance from the law enforcement perspective, (2) advise the team what the police can and cannot do in any given situation, and (3) when permissible, provide available information, including criminal history, history of police involvement and present information to assist with the threat assessment process. (4) Serves as a direct liaison with other law enforcement agencies.  (5)  May facilitate welfare checks on specific cases where there is concerned for safety. (6)  May assist in the coordination of safety planning with individuals and/or departments.

Office of Student Conduct

In situations involving students, the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) will provide all information to the team on known history involving the student or students, including known collateral information and provide expertise in the Code of Student Conduct.  OSC is also able to provide information on educational history and administrative and/or disciplinary options involving student or students that are engaging in moderate to high risk behaviors. OSC; when appropriate, may impose interim suspensions.

Cares Coordinator

The CARES Coordinator position provides direct case management services to students through CARES and may provide case management to BAT related cases at times.  The expertise of case management support through CARES provides assistance in seamless connection to resources.  This position will further report back to the team on interactions with students including; but not limited to, interviews, assessments, and ongoing case monitoring and post hospitalization interviews.

University Housing

The role of University Housing in the BAT is to (1) provide a context for those students who live on campus and present threats; (2) share information from University Housing staff on residents who present threats; (3) advise the team on what University Housing staff can do to assist victims and perpetrators in any given situation; (4) and facilitate alternative housing arrangements when indicated for safety.

Counseling Center

The role of the Counseling Center to the BAT is to (1) provide clinical expertise and knowledge regarding psychological dynamics in regard to particular cases, (2) exchange information between Counseling Center staff and the BAT, with appropriate releases in place, on students that may be identified within the BAT to enhance standard of care, (3) advise team on risk factors involving individuals with particular mental health issues making recommendations for follow up, and (4)  when outside assessment is indicated, assist with referral process and interpretation of assessment reports.

Employee Relations

In situations involving faculty, staff and non-affiliates, Employee Relations (ER) will provide the Behavioral Assessment Team relevant personnel data, bring together information maintained by members of management, and assist in ensuring that the team remains balanced, and neutral in assessing all conclusions reached before recommending any personnel actions or referrals to supporting resources.  ER contributes key skills to the team, including engaging appropriate management and administration, conducting or assisting with the investigatory process, developing communication strategies with affected or involved members of the workplace and provide guidance to the organization to address and resolve incidents through the imposition of preventative measures, which may include disciplinary action.

Office of General Counsel

The Office of General Counsel’s (OGC) role is to provide information regarding relevant University policies, regulations and rules, and state, and federal laws and regulations in the course of investigations and response.  In addition, the OGC provides legal counsel pertaining to issues that commonly arise during the threat assessment (i.e. records, right to privacy, compliance, discrimination law, due process, etc.) process.  OGC is available to discuss balancing the risk and liability to the institution with respect to various situations.  If necessary, OGC is able to work with University Police and management to obtain necessary court orders to protect the safety of employees and the community.

Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity

The role of the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIED/ Title IX) is to be able to inform the BAT about discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and retaliation related issues and cases that may have additional concerns from a safety perspective. This position works collaboratively with team members on issues related to domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, harassment, discrimination, and sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Faculty Representative

This position serves in being the primary contact in working with faculty and advisors.  This position has access to and understanding of academic issues and regulations/policies or protocols as it relates to students and provides this expertise to the team as a consultant.  This individual may assist the BAT by interpreting academic policies and guidelines and may provide assistance in the collection of collateral information related to academic risk factors.