Registering a Program

To ensure the safety of the minors in our care, Programs and Activities covered by REG 01.25.18 must register with the Office of Youth Programs and Compliance. 

For in-person programs and activities, the determining factor regarding whether the activity or program falls under REG 01.25.18 depends on who is providing direct supervision for the care, custody and control of the minors while they are participating in NC State activities.

For online programs and activities, the the determining factor regarding whether the activity or program falls under REG 01.25.18 depends on if the program entails a registration process in which minor participants are registered in advance and the program is collecting personally identifiable information on the minor participants such as name, address, phone number, email. 

NC State Programs (Covered by REG 01.25.18.)

  • To register, go to
  • Login
  • Click your name in the top right.
  • Go to the Protection of Minors Compliance dashboard
  • Create a new compliance form.  
  • This user guide also located on that site will guide you through.
  • Click here to register in REPORTER if NC State individuals are providing direct supervision for the care, custody or control of the minors in an in-person program. This applies to NC State Covered Individuals providing supervision for minors regardless of duration or location. If you need assistance registering your program in REPORTER, please view this user guide.
  • Click here to register in REPORTER if your online program is collecting registration information for minor participants.  If you need assistance registering your program in REPORTER, please view this user guide.
  • If your in-person program is a hybrid in that NC State will be providing some direct supervision for the care, custody or control of the minors, and there will also be parents, guardians, chaperones or any other outside entity providing supervision, register here. Indicate that supervision will be provided by both NC State and outside entities when you describe the program.

NC State Non-Covered Programs (Outside of REG 01.25.18.)

  • Click here to complete a safety registration form if minors will be supervised by parents, guardians, chaperones or any outside entity throughout the duration of the program. This is for programs that fall outside the scope of the Minors Regulation and is only necessary for NC State programs located on NC State property in Raleigh, NC.  

Covered Third Party Programs (Covered by REG 01.25.18.)


The required regulation training course, EHPS-YP100 is automatically assigned in REPORTER to those associated with a program or activity for minors.