Reporting Abuse or Neglect of Minors and Other Incidents

Any person or institution who knew or should have known that a juvenile was the victim of a felony or a crime of abuse, and knowingly or wantonly fails to report or who knowingly or wantonly prevents another person from reporting is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. See NCGS sections 14-318.2 and 14-318.6.

According to North Carolina law, any person or institution who has cause to suspect that any juvenile is abused, neglected or dependent, or has died as a result of maltreatment, as defined by G.S. 7B-101, shall report the case to the director of Department of Social Services in the county where the juvenile resides or is found, as outlined in G.S. 7B-301.

How Do I Make a Report?

All suspicion, discovery, or disclosure of child abuse must be reported. 

Step 1: To make a report you will need..

  • Child’s name, address, age, contact information, plus names and ages of other minors in the house
  • Parent/guardian name(s), address, contact information
  • Nature and event of any injury and known details of the abuse or neglect
  • Perpetrator’s name

Step 2: During a disclosure ask 4 questions..

  1. What happened?
  2. When did it happen?
  3. Where were you when this happened?
  4. Who else was there?

Step 3: Who to report to..

  • Local Law Enforcement
    • Report violent offenses, sexual offenses, or misdemeanor child abuse under G.S.14- 318.2 to local law enforcement in the county where the juvenile resides or is found. Note: Sexual offenses whether physical or virtual must be reported to local police. NC State police can assist in making this report.
  • Department of Social Services
    • Report abuse and neglect to the director of the Department of Social Services in the county where the juvenile resides or is found, as outlined in G.S. 7B-301.

If an immediate intervention is necessary, call 911 or University Police (if it is on NC State property)

Step 4: Submit an incident report for abuse or an incident related to an NC State affiliated youth program.

This step is only required for those reporting abuse or an incident related to an NC State affiliated youth program or activity.

Reports may involve minors, employees and/or volunteers. To document child abuse, neglect, or other incidents that happen in a youth program provided by NC State:

The Youth Program Incident Report can also be used for reporting the following:

  • A situation or disclosure of abuse or neglect
  • Medical concerns and/or injuries to a youth participant where treatment goes beyond basic first aid
  • Vehicle accident involving youth program participants
  • Behavioral incident for NC State Employees or Volunteers including any issue that violates the Personal Boundaries for programs working with minors, or any issue that violates a campus rule, guideline or policy
  • Behavioral incident for a youth participant that violates the Program rules, guidelines, or code of conduct and requires a response beyond a warning or temporary removal from activities
  • Any other concerns related to a Youth Program or Activity in which a minor is participating


Review the Program Coordinator Handbook to learn more tips for recognizing the signs of abuse and neglect and how to respond.

Reports can be made in person, via phone, email, or through clicking the green “Youth Program Incident Report” button on the sidebar.